Saturday, December 30, 2006

making contact

this one was the begining of the end. pete & michael had departed ... so how ufo could survive? maybe it should not have been called ufo ... truth is that it sounds as ufo, but the material is not so outstanding ... except by two cuts that i really find awesome. blinded by a lie is a hard rocker, with melody, punch and intensity. the other one, you and me is an awesome heart feelin¡ ballad as soft as try me. unfortunately these two songs have been put in the shelp of 'where are they now?' and somehow forgotten ... :-(
when it's time to rock is a decent cut also. the rest of the material is just average for my taste.
it is true that i expect better things from one of my best beloved bands, but i guess that this record they just filled the gaps because of the circumstances, so maybe this was a great achievement despite of all of it...

great cover art :-) ... i hope one day they could explain the meaning of all of them, we would have some fun :-D

7/10 nice to have

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