Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Def Leppard singles

Being a Def Leppard's collector is hard... so I gave up after taking in mind that it would be expensive, and not always ... (hardly ever) would find what I was looking for. At least I have some cool stuff. Here it is:

Have you ever needed someone so bad is the typical ballad it will always please your girlfriend. Sorry girls ;-). It is nice.
But the one that I like most is the slow From the inside, in which I guess the band was thinking in Steve Clark ...
You can't always get what you want is a nice RS cover, and Little wing, a Hendrix cover is not bad at all.

10/10 expensive, but pleasant

Heaven is, as the last one are Adrenalize songs. Good one too.
She's too tough will come in Retroactive, as well as From the inside.
the other 2 songs are live renditions, from alice elected and the first track from adrenalize, let's get rocked.

9/10 expensive, but nice

Tonight is the ballad from Adrenalize, so it deserves its own single.
Now i'm here, Queen song and the excellent Photograph, live versions both.

8/10 expensive, but nice

Here it ends Adrenalize singles

Two steps behind. A nice song from last action hero OSB and from Retroactive record. about the picture, well, we'd better forget ;-)
also included tonight and a little instrumental, absolutely worthless s.m.c.

6/10 expensives, just nice to have

when love & hate collide. a great song. A real power ballad. Of course I can get blamed from hm ... but, who cares ;-)

Excitable, rocket, armaggedon as Hysteria remixes ... absoultely forgetables.

6/10 expensives, just nice to have

Slang. from Slang, not a bad song but a really strange one. At least for Def Leppard. A total change of style.

A nice couple of ballads: Can't keep away from the flame and When love and hate collide (piano & string version). Neither indispensable.

8/10 expensive, but nice

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