If there is a song amongst any other, this one is stairway to heaven. And I wanted to own iv, zoso, 'no titled' or whatever you would like to call it. Led Zeppelin's fourth opus. But I wanted to hear it properly since it is kind of magnetism that I can't help but playing track 4 :-)
but at last I begin loving rock and roll, black dog and another track which has suprised me, going to california which seems more a quite enjoyable Plant's vocal exercice. battle of evermore was always a nice perfomance as well.
Everybody heard the infamous sentence you can play Stairway backwards and you'll hear satanic messages. Well, Swan Song Records issued the statement at the time saying:
"Our turntables only play in one direction—forwards".
Quite elegant to end controversy ... somebody to tell me as well how to play it reverse... :-D
so, despite my likes in the 70s music go more for UFO, Alice Cooper, KISS direction, ... i consider this one a master opus, and not only for Stairway... although this is Stairway's record.
What is the meaning of the song? It has many interpretations. The one I like the most is, the mind changing of a materialist person to a spiritual one, which is still in time to choose the correct path. Wonderful lyrics and melodies...
10/10 classic status
Jimmi Page is one of the best guitars-player of the rock/music/history.
I have all your first 4 album from Led Zeppelin to this "no-name" 4° album!
agree. 100%.
possibly for me they would be: jimmi page, ritchie blackmore, michael schenker, brian tatler, neal schon, rob bendelow, angus young, paul stanley, toni iommi ...
jimmi page, ritchie blacmore and toni iommi were our first pioneers :-)
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