Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Throwing shapes

I couldn't understand Tino (or maybe it was Chris) that they'd prefer this record not to be released... Come'on, it couldn't be so bad!
And when I got it, I understood it partially. I mean, it is not a bad record, but it is kind of strange. Hold, I looove Bernie's vocals. He's great, but the songs, arrangement and interpretation they are a bit 'not-mantis-alike' ...
Best songs Enough is Enough and Back Street Lovers, though i prefer the Demorabilia interpretation from the first one... And for the second one, is a great song, but rather strange in Mantis legacy... what do you think?

This 'bootleg' i got it with the Sanctuary tape from Iron Maiden, which is a great work...

8/10 Nice to have

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